Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Life of a college girl...

So I don't know whats up but lately it seems me and my friends have one thing on the mind: Weddings. So because of that we decided to make a scrapbook of pics from bridal magazines. So here they are. We aren't done yet but here's some pics of our work. Love ya, Rach

Monday, January 23, 2006

TaG I aM iT!

4 jobs I have worked
- Wendy's
- Gold Mine (jewelry store)
- Old Navy (still there)
-NRC (my schools gym)

4 movies I would watch over and over
- Pride and Prejudice
- A Walk to Remember
- Beauty and the Beast
- Ocean's 11

4 places I've lived
- Grand Junction, CO
- Broken Arrow, OK
That's it

4 TV shows I watch
-American Idol
- CSI Miami
- Liberty Kids

4 places I've been to on vacation
- Hawaii
- New York City
- Costa Rica (but that wasn't actually a vacation)

4 websites I visit daily
- My sisters
- My moms
- My bank
- My own

4 of my favorite foods
- Tacos
- Pizza
- Sherbert
- popcorn with M&Ms

4 places I'd rather be right now
- Disneyland
- Caribbean Cruise
- Laguna Beach
- On my honeymoon

And that's it I think everyone I know has already been tagged.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Kids! Can't live with them; can't live without them.

So for one of my assignments at school I had to work in the nursery and elementary aged kids at church. Now I have worked with kids in church ever since I was out of children's church myself. Let me tell you though it's so much more different in a church of 5000 then 250. Last, Wed. I worked in the 1 year old room. Just one year old no other ages. We had almost 20 kids. Now you can imagine what that's like. At least the service was an hour that's it. Of course I got the kid who would scream if you put him down so I held him for 45 min. straight. My arm is still sore. But it's cool to see the kids do their bible story and see them hug the pictures of Pastor and Mrs. Hagin. Then tonight I worked with the 3rd and 4th grade. They are the loudest bunch of kids ever!!! But again it was cool to see them lay hands on the kids who didn't feel good and pray for them to be healed. At one point I was talking to a boy about what kind of car he wanted and a little girl named Grace said she wanted a mustang. I told her that I wanted one too that had a convertible top. She said no I want a mustang horse. I said that she was definitely from Oklahoma and she said that she wasn't from Oklahoma but from Texas. Figures huh. Anyway, I had a blast even though there were times of kaos. It made me miss my kids back at the church. So in honor of them I put this pic of when I taught them last summer. Well, have a great day. Rach

Friday, January 13, 2006


So another week is coming to an end and I have to say that is was again a wonderful week. There were a few little things but overall it was great. At school this week I had to preach in front of my class and I did pretty good. I got a 25 out of 25 right on my presentation. Next week is finals and then we get new classes. I am really excited to see what classes I have. So in four months and and 6 days I graduate from here and life really begins. God's really been showing me that it's important to pray out the plan God has for you and believe me I have. It's been fun too hanging with my friends. I'm keeping busy and enjoying life to the full. Well, I guess that's about it for me tonight. So I hope everything is going good for all of you and know that I love you all. Rach

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Floral or Palm Trees?

So I have a few extra picture frames and I decided to put them in my bathroom. So I can't decide if I should do pics of flowers or of palm trees. My towels could go with either. So let me know. Love you all lots! Rach

Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Great First Week To A Brand New Year

So how was your first week in the new year? Mine was awesome. I mean I made it awesome. Last year I got into this rut of not wanting to do school or work. I really didn't want to do anything and it made the days really blah. So I did some praying and I realized that I needed to make some changes on my outlook on life. So I did and this year has been great. Now I know there will be days where I don't feel like things are going good and that's when the real test comes, but I am going to do my best. I realized that it's your outlook on the year that makes it good. Circumstances are always going to arise but it's how you chose to handle them that makes it a great learning experience or a horrible time in your life. So I hope this encourages you to make this year the best year of your life because it really is up to you. Love ya, Rach

Monday, January 02, 2006

A Year Of Memories...

Wow! 2005 is over. It was a great year. Some of the highlights for me was finishing my 1st year at Rhema, my friend Rachel Nardi (now Ammon) getting married, my friend Jessica getting married, my friend Nikki getting engaged, finding out my sister is going to have another baby, my friend Domenica having her 3rd child, moving into my own apartment, being on the basketball team at Rhema, quitting the basketball team, getting a job at Rhema, going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and turning 20. A lot happened and I am so thankful that my family and friends shared in so much of it. Now it's a new year, with even more changes than last year. Like me graduating from Rhema, moving back home, my nephew will be born, and my friend getting married, and The Little Mermaid coming out on DVD in Oct. I know it's going to be a wonderful year. So with that I hope you have a wonderful year too. Love ya, Rach