So have you ever had one of those days? You know life throws one huge curve ball and totally puts a spin on your day. Well, lets just say that today was one of those days. A lot happened and I wont go into details but most people would call it an extremely bad day. A lot of emotions went haywire today. Then you get wonderful people who try and encourage you and you take it as them saying you don't have enough faith. Well, that happened on an extreme scale today. And I totally lost sight of the fact that God is still in control and He knew all this was going to happen and He will take care of everything. But thank God He finally got through to me and I am back on track. Thank God for His mercy and grace. So now everything is back in perspective and it's all going to turn out right. So that's my story today. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Love ya, Rach
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