Monday, April 24, 2006

My yearly recipe

So you all probably know but I can't cook ( its not a bad confession either). Its a FACT. But you know looking at all these other blogs everyone always has some new recipe. So I thought , "Hey! Why don't I share with the world my secret recipe of the best Italian dish this side of the pan handle." So here it is. You get the Walmart brand 50 cent CREAMY mac and cheese. Then you get BEEF frank hot dogs. Put about 5 to 6 cups of water in a pan. Bring it to a boil. Then cut 2 hot dogs into bite size chunks, put them in the water and then add the noodles. Wait 10min then take the pan off the stove. Drain the noodles and hot dogs. Then add butter, WHOLE milk, and the powder cheese packet. Turn until all blended and dinner is served. Wait and see what recipe I give you next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You crack me up!

Stop saying you can't cook - I will see to it that you CAN cook as soon as you come home. Come on you have to at least try for the sake of your future hubby.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel, The only thing that would make that better is to add a can of pork'n beans its awesome Shea and I call that "garbage disposal"
Try it you'll love it!

11:38 AM  

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