Thursday, February 09, 2006


So my friends say I have a problem and I don't agree (actually I thinks its denial). So I read so much. As you can see I put up some new stuff on this site and one of them is a library thing. So I have recorded some (yes just some) of the books I've read over the past year. There are 43 listed and that's not even all of them. Not to mention the ones I've read twice or even three times. Yea, it's bad. There are some good points about reading though. First, I don't watch that much TV at all anymore. Second, all the books I read are by Christian authors. Third, they are all set in the past and their is a lot of history in them. For example The Civil War, the mills where girls worked with the looms, going west before the railroad was put in, and the gold rush in California and Alaska. Fourth, it makes it easier to read my school books and the Bible because I'm so used to reading all the time. Fifth, There is always something for me to do cause I can always read. Sixth, I now know my way around the library (if you knew me in Jr. High and High School that's a major improvement). So have I persuaded you yet? Now I'm not saying its easy not to become addicted to these books and you stop doing the necessary but I have learned to use my time wisely and I am now a more disciplined person. Anyway, I just finished my favorite book, PROMISE ME TOMORROW by Lori Wick and now it's time for me to read some of my school books. So that's that. Have a wonderful day. Rach


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