Thursday, March 02, 2006

You can't beat this...

Okay I'm obsessed. Pride and Prejudice is absolutely the best movie. It just came out and I've already watched it 3 times. There were some scenes that I watched over 10 times in a row. Mr. Darcy's facial expressions are so good. It's just wonderful. So you should definitely watch it. Unless I've already talked to you about waiting until I get home. I am so excited to come home. I need a vacation. By the way is it crazy that I only have 9 weeks of classes left and 11 weeks until I graduate and move home? This has gone so fast. Well, okay I'm, just rambling now. So good night. Talk to you later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rach!
Hey, this is Michelle Maxville! (a.k.a Anita) I would really like to start emailing, but I don't have your email! So, I will give you mine. It's! I hope to talk to you very soon! God bless!

7:49 AM  

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