The best story of all time...
Oh my goodness. Okay, I saw the best movie EVER. The new Pride and Prejudice came out and I have to say it was AWESOME. I have been obsessed with Jane Austin (the writer of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility, and many others) for a while now. I did a report on her in high school. I own the movie Sense and Sensibilty, and the five hour long verison of Pride and Prjudice, along with the book Emma, Pride and Prjudice, and Sense and Sensibilty. They are absolutely wonderful. I love the stories and the characters. Well, I went to see this movie with some hesitancy because it is only 2 hours and I didn't know how they would put it all in. Well, they didn't but the kept the most important and left out the details and characters that didn't hinge on the plot. Now if you are a fan of the 5 hour long one you have to be open to some change. I am actually glad they didn't try to copy the old one. It is a different version with characters that have different aspects to them. Anyway, it was fabulous and I am going to see it again in theaters and I will be buying it. I leave you now with one of my favorite quotes from the book. It's right after Mr. Darcy proposes to Elisabeth and this is her reply..."From the very begining, from the first moment, I may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners impressing me with the fullest beliefs or your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the felling of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.:" Now that's a refusal there.
I hope that it is as good as the old one. I LOVE this movie!!! It has not come out here yet, but Brooke and I have a date to go see it. I am very excited!!
Gee, lil' sis I am so excited about this movie. I have been, like, waiting for what seems like eternity for a decent remake of this movie to come out. In fact,me and all my cop buddies are going to go to the theater and watch it and afterwards maybe we'll all have a slumber party and giggle and cry and reflect on what a great movie it was. And then maybe we'll have a pillow fight.
Love ya sis
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